Elevator shaft can cover only 30 floors Parking Ramps required to be placed first on this level This room must be completed before it can be destroyed Parking Ramps must be connected vertically Parking Ramps must connect to the 1st floor Item no longer available Cannot place stairs here Escalators available only at commercial spaces No more stairs available No more escalators available No more elevator shafts available No more cars in this shaft Cannot place over other transportation items Item requires more space on both sides Cannot destroy this item Cannot place item there Only one Cathedral allowed Only one SECOM allowed Only one Metro Station allowed Cathedral is available only on 100th floor Place Metro station on bottom floor Cannot place items under Metro Lobbys are only every 15 floors First floor is only for Lobby Item unavailable above ground Item not available underground Cannot place on top of other items Not enough money to build floor Not enough money for construction Cannot place items wider than floor below Maximum height has been reached Cannot place any items there Cannot place item there Items cannot be wider than Lobby